

294 Uppsatser om Hidden refugees - Sida 1 av 20

Ett värdigt liv ? Alla människors rättighet? : en studie om gömda flyktingars livsvillkor

The aim with this study was to increase the knowledge about as well as shed light on Hidden refugees? living conditions by compiling research about Hidden refugees? living conditions and complete this research by doing a field survey with people with different knowledge and experience of Hidden refugees? living conditions. The result was analyzed on the basis of Nussbaum?s list of ten human abilities and the convention of human rights. The study showed that Hidden refugees' living conditions are experienced as very critical, and characterized by lack of human rights as well as means to utilize and develop their abilities.

"Inte så att jag har lust att inte ge dem vård bara för att de är gömda..." : Sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att vårda gömda flyktingar

 The number of Hidden refugees in Sweden is estimated to be at least 15,000. The law, which only allows this group a very limited access to health care, can be considered to clash with the human rights and the ethical codes related to the health care professionals.The aim of the study was to examine how the personnel in public health care may experience treating Hidden refugees and which ethical conflicts that may be connected to this. The study, which is of a qualitative descriptive design, is based on eight semi-structured interviews. The interviewees were trained nurses and mid-wives in an emergency room, a maternity ward and a health care centre for asylum seekers.The experience of treating Hidden refugees amongst the informants was limited. The study proved that the knowledge of laws and guidelines regarding Hidden refugees amongst the interviewed health care personnel was poor.

Möten mellan gömda flyktingar och sjukvårdspersonal

The purpose of this essay is to understand meeting between Hidden refugees and health professionals through interviews with refugee in hiding and health professionals. The implantation of the essay has been made by social science research methods which I have used as a qualitative survey. The material that I have used in this paper is to interview with hidden refugee and health care workers. I have used the different sources such as literature, internet and different laws which relates to the topic of this easy. I am using the power of theories to analyze the work.

Vilka skillnader och likheter finns mellan UNHCR:s och UNRWA:s syn på flyktingar? : En komparativ studie mellan FN:s två flyktingorgan

Research about what differences and similarities exists between UNHCR and UNRWA in the opinion of a refugee?This examination focuses on a study between The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and THE United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Both organizations are UN-related and are in charge of refugees, however they differ by the fact the UNHCR controls all of the world?s refugees with the exception of the Palestinian refugees, for which UNRWA. The aim of this work will be to examine the definition of refugees as well as their entitlements and in what way they differ depending on which organization they belong to.As theory I have, among others, used Rainer Bauböck?s book ? Transnational Citizenship?.

Solidarisk flyktingmottagning inom EU? -En retorikanalys av Sveriges arbete för en solidarisk fördelning av ansvar för flyktingar i Europa

This thesis focuses on how sewdish politicians try to argue to get other EU-countries to accept a larger responsibility for refugees. Since the war in Iraq broke out in 2003 there have been a great increse in the number of refugees arriving to Europe. Sweden have accepted a very large part of these refugees. This have sparked a debate in Sweden aboute how reasonable it is that sweden accepts a proportionaly much larger number of refugees than other countries within the EU. The swedish gouvernment policy is that responisbility for refugees and migration is something that should be shared by all members of the union.

Den försvinnande staten Tuvalu : En fallstudie om klimatflyktingars rättigheter och staters ansvar

This thesis aimed to, with the help of a case study, investigate and discuss state responsibility towards climate refugees. The state of Tuvalu was selected because of their vulnerability as a low-lying island state. This was fulfilled by on-site study how the state Tuvalu acted to climate threats, determine if the future migrants from Tuvalu can be counted as climate refugees and find out if they are by that definition included by the UN Refugee Convention. The result indicated that the state of Tuvalu is adapting to climate threats, that in the future the population can be seen as climate refugees, if they are forced from their homes due to climate change, and that they, despite that definition, can not be included by the UN Refugee Convention. The study also indicates a need for greater international protection of climate refugees by, for example, an expansion of the UN Refugee Convention so that these vulnerable people do not fall into oblivion due to a question of definition..

Utan dig och mig är det ingenting : En kvalitativ studie om projektet Vimmerbymodellens betydelse för ensamkommande ungdomar

The aim of this study has been to investigate the significance of the newly started project Vimmerbymodellen for unaccompanied young refugees. This regarding to how the unaccompanied young refugees are participating in creating networks and meeting points in the local community. Vimmerbymodellen is described as an integration project where the nonprofit sector collaborates with the municipality. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews where five unaccompanied young refugees and four involved adults have been interviewed. The empirical material from these interviews has thereafter been analyzed through the concept of social capital, identity and empowerment.The main result of this study shows that participation in the project is expected to contribute to the creation of networks and meeting points which has significance for unaccompanied young refugees.

Förutsättningarna för introduktion av nyanlända flyktingar på arbetsmarknaden

The purpose of our thesis is to understand the opportunities and obstacles that administrators in the municipalities and work intermediaries in Halland experience in their work with the introduction of newly arrived refugees in the labor market. In this study we have done 8 qualitative interviews with employees in the municipality and the employment in work intermediation in Halland to illuminate the underlying factors of why the report "A lost year" of the Swedish Integration Board shows that few newly arrived refugees get a job in the first year after they have been received a residence permit.The study showed that newly arrived refugees have it more difficult to be introduced in the labor market in Sweden. The underlying causes of the situation are many, according to those interviewed. Knowledge in the Swedish language is most important for the introduction of the newly arrived refugees'. Other factors that affect the newly arrived refugees? opportunity to be introduced in the labor market are the discrimination that exists in society.

EU- En Liberal Flyktingjagare? : En jämförande studie i hanterandet av inre och yttre flyktingar i Europa

The European Union has faced lots of criticisms over the last couple of years when it comes to how refugees are treated in Europe. The Lisbon Treaty states in Article 2 that the European Union is founded on respect for human freedom, dignity and equality. Values such as democracy, rule of law, respect for human rights and that the rights of persons belonging to minorities should be respected are also something that the Union should be based on. How is it then that the Roma people, which are Europe's largest minority, are being persecuted all over Europe, that they get deported and have their camps destroyed? Why are refugees from North Africa being sent back before they even have a chance to seek asylum?  In this essay I have examined how the EU are treating refugees and tried to distinguish if there are any differences in how they treat internal and external refugees.

IT-outsourcing ? dolda kostnader

Many corporations turn to IT-outsourcing to focus more on their core competence or to cut the IT-budget. There is one caveat, the costs presented at a first glance does not always present the entire truth. Instead the costs run deeper and so-called hidden costs exist beyond the contractual cost. Reducing these hidden costs may very well be crucial to the entire IT-outsourcing endeavor. However many firms are not aware of these costs and as such they have a reduced chance of success.

En känsla av att födas på nytt : - En studie baserad på sex bosniska flyktingars upplevelse av integration i det svenska samhället

The study involves six Bosnian refugees experience of integration into Swedish society.The purpose of this study is, through the use of a qualitative method, to get an understanding of what the integration process in the Swedish society has been like for six Bosnian refugees.. These refugees fled from the war in former Yugoslavia and came to Sweden between the years 1992-1995. The country who was once called Yugoslavia is currently divided into six republics comprising, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia, with its provinces, Vojvodina and Kosovo. The main focus of the study has been in the respondent?s thoughts and experiences of integration into Swedish society.

Om Gud vill får jag stanna ? en studie av hur nyanlända asylsökande upplever det mottagande de fått i Sverige.

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how newly arrived asylum seekers experience their first month in Sweden. The focus has been on the introduction week that is given within the first month of their arrival, although the study aims to treat the reception that is given in general. This is important because the refugees are in a sensitive state, leaving their country for different reasons, and coming to a new place wich they know nothing or little about. The questions at issue has been the following; * What are the refugees´ views of the information and the treatment they´ve been given during their first month in Sweden? * Which are the possible reasons for the refugees experiencing the reception the way they do? The methods I´ve used have been observation studies during the introduction week, plus interviews with participants of this introduction.

Kvinnlig representation och dess substantiella effekter En studie om svenska kommuners flyktingmottagande utifrån ett könsperspektiv

Municipalities with a higher amount of female representatives has been shown to be more gender equal. Earlier reasearch has also shown that female politicians are more likely than male politicans to represent immigrants and refugees interests. However, the effect of female representation has not been tested on other subordinated groups than women. Swedish municipalities have full autonomy regarding refugee reception and local politicians are responsible for the decision on the amount of refugees that the municipality accept. The variations of female and male politicians in the local assemblies are expected to have different outcomes on the refugee reception, according to females social backgrounds and experiences.

Folkbibliotek som mötesplats för flyktingar : En undersökning av två folkbibliotek och deras potential att öka socialt kapital i samhället

This essay points at the importance of public libraries as arenas of meetings between refugees and the local population, and by this - creating social kapital in the society as a whole. The researchers Aabø, Audunson and Vårheim have created theories about low-intensive meeting places, that means ? neutral, public places where accidential meetings with different strangers can happen, which can create social capital and trust among each other. To complement these theories I also use Vårheim who have implementet social capital-theories to the sphere of public libraries. These two theories complement each other and can help me investigate two public libraries in a rural area in Sweden.

"De sa HJÄRTLIGT välkomna" - En kvalitativ studie om fem invandrares tankar kring processen att bli integrerade in i det svenska samhället"They said HEARTILY welcome" - A qualitative study of five immigrant´s thoughts of the process of integrating in to S

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate immigrants? and refugees? thoughts and experiences of the process of integrating into Swedish society and to examine which social networks foster the process. The main questions in the study are: * What experiences enable refugees and immigrants to become integrated and fully participating members of the Swedish society?* What is the importance of the social networks with regards to integration into Swedish society? A qualitative method was used and five interviews were completed with SFI (Swedish for immigrants) students. The study shows that knowledge of Swedish language promotes an initiative in contacting native Swedes, and it also determines the success of integration.

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